Sunday, April 22, 2007

One of the really cool things I get to do is meet people you wouldn't ordinarily run into.
Case in point, Tom.
You know Tom. Come on. Okay, let me refresh your memory. When you first signed up for MySpace, who was the first person who greeted you with his smiling face, welcoming you to the most popular networking site in the world? Your FIRST friend.
That's right. THAT TOM! (Isn't he the cutest?)
Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe are the co-founders of MySpace and I had the honor of meeting them awhile back at a Recording Academy event that I hosted and, at which, they were honored. That was tens of millions of friends ago and, since then, I have developed a professional friendship with the two of them and can honestly tell you that they are two of the coolest guys. Their phenomenal success in creating a cyberspace "neighborhood" with some 173-million people has left them, nothing but thankful and determined to use their platform to help the world - whether it be a band struggling to get signed or the people in Darfur.
I was very surprised to read that, not long after Tom and Chris created MySpace that Tom didn't think their internet venture would be successful. He said that even though things went remarkably easy, they struggled for a short time. He said when they were about a month into it, he remembered thinking, "This may not work out."
And then , Tom said, " Just one day, in particular, we saw this huge spike because of people telling each other. It just went crazy from there."
When I read that, I starting we sometimes just give up too easily? How quickly do we throw in the towel when things get tough, when we hit a roadblock? I began thinking about the times I started a project and got discouraged because someone planted the seed of doubt. "Are you sure you want to tackle something like that?" "How are you going to have time?" "That's going to be impossible". "That's going to take too much time/money/energy". "Just stick with something you know".
Is there something that you are passionate about or feel that you were put here to do? A new venture that you set out on and then, for some reason, just quit?
Do you need a reason to keep going?
Tom will give you 173-million and counting.


Shai said...

Hello Shaun. I am one of your Myspace friends. I am amazed at how many folks are using Myspace.

Nice stopping by a fellow CT alum and Detroit sista.

Sheletha said...

Sweet! Now I know that my time on myspace isn't frivolous!

Cortney Gee and The Celebrity Cane Corsos said...

Shaun that's incredible ... wow you actually met Tom.. I can't believe Im saying this fully knowing you ahve bumped elbows with hollywood's elite BUT Tom the man who has more friends than Kevin Garnett has dollars on his contract ... impressive . The story about not feeling it was going to work but sticking with the idea until it did is inspiring .. I have a few dreams I have been holding unto for a few years Tom and you just gave me more reason to stand fast...

dc_speaks said...

I shall follow my dreams from this day forward.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be a Scientist, teacher, astronaut, lawyer, doctor, and a political analyst at different stages.

what's up blog family? What ya'll doing over here on Shaun's page? LOL!!

dc_speaks said...

hurry up and post another blog. I am patiently waiting, sistah shaun.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

What's up Shaun. I haven't read your blog, but I will. I saw your link on DC Speaks "I Am Inspired" site.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

This is a timely post. I'm definitely familiar with that I don't have time line of thinking.

Having the right friends in my corner has helped tremendously in overcoming those obstacles.

Good post.