Saturday, April 21, 2007

How To Get Into Television Reporting

I receive many emails and letters asking how I got started in my career and for advice on how to get into reporting.

I started my career in my hometown of Detroit. I interned for a small television station during my summers when I was home from college. I learned how to write, produce, and edit my own stories. I worked for no money at all but, I was very determined that I wanted to be a journalist. After I graduated, I went back to the station and continued working for free. I registered at a temporary agency which enabled me some part-time work just so I could make some money. Finally, because I was so dedicated, the television station offered me a paid position!

I asked my agent, Kenny, to offer aspiring journalists some advice on how to get started. Here's what he said:

"The best preparation, is to put the percentages in your favor that you will land your first, and thereafter, the most appropriate position for you. In connection with your first position, either take an undergraduate, graduate or extension course from which you will get a demo tape, or put together your own. This tape should show your ability to communicate effectively, your personality, and your best look. When it comes to first jobs, subscribe to services that will tell you what jobs are available, or get in your car and take a road-trip to the smallest markets in the areas where you would consider living. Even if there are no openings at the stations that you visit, getting a face-to-face meeting can certainly help in keeping you in the forefront of a news directors mind when an opening does arise. In connection with subsequent positions, the jobs that you take should showcase your strengths, and allow you to shore up non-strengths. At some point, you may well consider securing representation."

This is great advice.

Good luck!

1 comment:

dc_speaks said...

thanks for the tip, sistah shaun! I'm off to get started on my new career in television